Vol.01 "Move Your Body, Calm Your Mind" Series w/MYA Wellbeing

Vol.01 "Move Your Body, Calm Your Mind" Series w/MYA Wellbeing

“You don't find meaning and then move. You move and the meaning will emerge.”

― Shellen Lubin

We indulged in the opportunity to connect with Natasha, from MYA Wellbeing, as she shared a grounding daily practice with us as well as a glimpse into the lessons and muses that have inspired her path as an entrepreneur. 

Practice: Guided, Deep Visualisation 
Think of this meditation as a daily energy boost, lighting up your inner magic to help you be your best self. Your true essence is always within,  but it needs nourishment to thrive. This healing guided visualisation and body scan allows you to deeply rest and reset your nervous system. We focus on slowing down your brain waves into a calm synchronised state, before stepping into energy of your best self. Through Natasha’s gentle guidance, this meditation will allow you to return to your day feeling inspired, energised and in touch with your true essence.


1. what inspired you to you create your business?
I've always been fascinated by the world of creativity, branding, and business. I knew that one day I wanted to create a meaningful business of my own, but the path wasn't clear until I hit my late twenties, around the time of my Saturn return.
In the space of a few weeks, I began living solo for the first time, said goodbye to my interior design job and ended a relationship. It was a rapid period of change, endings and little did I know at the time, new beginnings.

I went on an inward journey to find clarity on my purpose and rebuild my connection to myself and this ultimately is where the inspiration for MYA came from. Using movement, meditation and self-development as my toolkit, I began to heal. At the time, I found the online wellness space quite overwhelming. It feels like I tried every program under the sun, read books and listened to hundreds of podcasts. So I knew I wanted to make this process smoother for other’s on a similar path, by bringing them the tools they need in one place.

The vision for MYA was to create a wellbeing destination to care of your whole self. It’s movement modalities we all know and love, like pilates and yoga, delivered in a more mindful way. Paired with powerful meditations and self development tools that help you navigate change, heal and support your growth as a person. It's basically a platform for your whole life!

2. Who or what has been your greatest muse or inspiration on this path?
My incredible Mum Debbie has always been my guiding light and source of inspiration. We work together to create MYA, and she has so much heartfelt wisdom to share, and just gives the best advice! Samantha Wills has also been an expander for me, I love her authenticity, her creativity and her story. I’m also a huge fan of Melissa Wood-Tepperberg and her beautiful energy.

3. What are some of the highs and lows you’ve experienced when starting your own business that surprised you?
The highs would have to be the relationships we’ve made along the way. Connecting with our teachers as well as our branding team has made building MYA feel like a family from the beginning. Our shoot days are some of my most cherished memories! The entrepreneurial path can be lonely at times, working from home and trying to balance social life, taking care of myself while also growing a business is a real balancing act.

4. What is your favourite way to move your body?
For me it’s all about slow mindful movement, where I can tune out the world and tune into myself. I equally love both Yoga and Pilates (and this journey has led me to study both modalities). My favourite would have to be a mix of both, this is where our MYA4 Fusion class comes in.

5. How do you best calm your mind?
I sit down and simply put both my hands over my heart and breathe deeply. This allows me to ground into the moment, tune in to what’s going on for me emotionally and allows it to pass. Other times I might run a bath and listen to one of our guided meditations, for me this is the ultimate self-care for my mind.

6. What is a quote you love or live by, either in your own words or another?
One of my favourite quotes, in the words of Deepak Chopra, is, "You give the world the greatest gift when you are being yourself.” It’s a little reminder that you are enough exactly as you are.


Instagram: @myawellbeing